Category: Fatherhood

  • Why strength training is totally different as a dad

    I was talking to someone I’d known in my twenties but hadn’t kept up with. He asked me if I was still training. I told him i was but that it was different. I had dad strength. It’s hard to support the level of training that I would require to stay big and strong. I…

  • Night time workouts?

    I’m not really accustomed to working out at 8pm at night, but things change. After the third time going into my daughter’s room (the last time to assure her that if she doesn’t want to go to ballet it’s ok, she doesn’t have to be concerned about it), I decided it was time to work…

  • How to be a strong dad

    I remember it like it was yesterday. I came home and all three of my “girls” my wife included, were having meltdowns. It’d been tense. I was in school, we’re busy, two kids, mortgage, responsibilities. You probably know what it’s like—most of my readers are 30 and above. This time, inspiration struck and I just…